Recommendations for weaknesses:
- Do not download the Statute from the internet, instead develop it according to your needs;
- Think over an effective management model and do not rely on your ego;
- Transparent and effective corporate structure;
- Ensure publicity of the Statue;
It is difficult for bank employees to check the Statute authenticity submitted to the bank. In case the Statute of a legal entity is registered before January 1, 2016 and no changes were made in it such and the Statute is not available on the website of the Ministry of Justice (https://usr.minjust.gov.ua/ua/freesearch). In view of this, we recommend to ensure that the last version of the statute is placed in the electronic register. For example, by making any "technical changes" to it and registering a new version of the Statute at the notary public. Remember, publicity of your company's Statute will effectively prevent it from forgery by scammers.
- To pay dividends on time;
- Set restrictions on opening accounts and disposition of funds (in accordance with the Statute);
- Co-signing bank documents by two persons (in accordance with the Statute);
- A special agreement with the owner of the legal entity (concerning the "Client-Bank" system);
- Inform servicing banks immediately on the release of authorized persons to open accounts and dispose funds, as well as the revocation of the powers of attorney, on which the commissioners are authorized for these actions;
- Cover lagoons and install certified equipment;
- Receive a permission for special water use;
- Conclude contracts with enterprises specialized in mortality utilizations;
- Send/take a request on the legality of land allocation within a sanitary zone;
- Lobby for the revision of sanitary zones by a differentiated approach (depending on installed equipment and technologies) by the help of associations.