Our standpoint on the issue:
- Terms of opening the land market. Opening of the land market should start 5 years after the adoption of the law, namely from January 1, 2024.
- Access to the land market. The right to purchase agricultural land should have Ukrainian citizens, farms, legal entities that have the status of agricultural producer for the last 3 years, whose founders are exclusively Ukrainian citizens, territorial communities (united territorial communities) and the State.
- Lending to farmers. Launching a state-owned program of concessional lending to small farms
UAC’s activities on the matter:
- Study and analysis of the following matters are conducted:
- legislation on the prospect of launching the land market;
- relevant statistics;
- positions of key stakeholders;
- activities of the StateGeoCadastre and the State Register of Property Rights and Encumbrances;
- financial ability of banks to lend to the agrarian sector;
- financial condition of agricultural enterprises.
- Comparative analysis of the bills on the launching the land market, registered in the Verkhovna Rada, as well as developed by the StateGeoCadastre is completed.
- Prospects and necessary prerequisites to launch the land market from the point of view of the UAC are negotiated with representatives of the IMF. The UAC’s presentation on its position concerning launching the land market in English is sent to the IMF.
- The UAC’s proposals were introduced to agrarian associations - participants of the Ukrainian Agrarian Forum. A unified position of agrarian associations regarding opening the land market is formed.
- On April 27, 2017, within the framework of the Agri Invest Forum, a unified position of agrarian associations regarding the land market was presented. The event was attended by Jerome Vacher, permanent representative of the IMF in Ukraine. During the forum, owners and managers of agrarian enterprises took a chance to conduct a survey regarding their position regarding prospects and preconditions for opening the land market.
- Developing the appeal which comprised a unified position and a list of requirements regarding the prerequisites for opening the land market and its sending to the President and Prime Minister of Ukraine, as well as to the Chairman of parliamentary factions on behalf of the agrarian associations (UAC, Agrarian Union, Association of Farmers and Private Landowners, Union of Poultry Breeders, Association of Milk Producers of Ukraine (AVM), Association of Ukrainian Pig Breeders, Association “UkrSugar”) were organized.
- Andriy Dykun was included into the list of meeting participants under the chairmanship of the Prime Minister V. Groisman (May 29, 2017) on discussing the principles of the land reform. Participatingin the meeting, a consolidated position of the agrarians was presented.
- Reconciling a common position of farmers in the light of the agreements reached during the meeting with V. Groisman. A Draft Memorandum on the conditions of establishing the land reform between agrarian associations and the Government in the person of the Prime Minister of Ukraine (with representatives of the World Bank) was elaborated and agreed.
- Negotiations and advocacy work on a consolidated position of agrarian associations and M. Martynuk, Acting Minister of Agrarian Policy and Food, O. Bakumenko, Acting Chairman of the Committee on Agrarian Policy and Land Relations and a number of People's Deputies are conducted.
- Proposals for improving the work of the StateGeoCadastre and the State Register of Property Rights and Encumbrances are developed in order to protect property rights and lease and prevent asset-grabbing. An agreement on including relevant requirements to the consolidated position of agrarian associations has been reached.
- A consolidated position of agrarians regarding the prospects and prerequisites of the land reform is presented in the mass media.