The spring sowing campaign has started in Ukraine. Farmers are already sowing early crops. According to the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food, the total sown area will remain at the level of last year - about 23 million hectares. At the same time, a lack of moisture could pose a serious problem for the future harvest.

Denys Marchuk, Deputy Chairman of the Ukrainian Agri Council (UAC), spoke about the challenges and conditions of field work.

Weather conditions are the main factor affecting the pace of sowing.

In Ukraine, warm days actually started with the New Year, and in some regions, especially in the south, field work and preparation for sowing began in January. Barley, wheat and peas are currently being sown in various regions. Later in April, when the temperature rises, we will start sowing corn, sunflower and other crops. At the moment, the main challenge is a lack of moisture. The fall of 2024 was dry, and winter did not bring enough snow, so in spring in many regions the soil remains poorly moistened,” said Denys Marchuk.

The acreage will remain unchanged, but corn plantings may increase.

In 2024, the level of corn prices on the global market allowed producers not only to avoid losses but also to make money. This is due to the high demand for this grain, in particular, from the European Union, which buys about 50% of Ukrainian corn for the needs of dairy farms,” explained the UAC Deputy Chairman.

In addition to the lack of moisture, mines and contamination of the fields remain a serious obstacle.

Unfortunately, the pace of mine clearance is not high, as it is a very expensive process. In 2025, the state budget provides UAH 1 billion for demining, and contracts have been signed to clear 9,500 hectares in southern Ukraine. However, this is not enough. Many farmers are forced to carry out demining on their own to expand their sown areas,” added Denys Marchuk.

Despite all the difficulties, farmers continue to work and count on favorable weather conditions and support from international partners.

The agricultural sector needs more international support, as our grain and oilseeds crops mean not only economic stability for Ukraine but also food security for the whole world. Our harvests determine how high food prices will be in the world,” emphasized the Deputy Head of the UAC.

Thursday, 13 March 2025


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