We would like to inform you that the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and the Government have supported our legislative initiative to extend the State Entrepreneurs Support Program for Reducing Loans Cost - "Affordable Loans 5-7-9%" (CMU Decision № 28 as of January 24, 2020) and portfolio guarantees (CMU Decision № 723 as of Jul 14, 2021) over agricultural producers whose UBOs are non-residents of Ukraine, not related to the aggressor country. 

Thus, on April 15th of this year, the Government, upon the initiative of the Ministry of Agriculture, made appropriate amendments to the Program of State Entrepreneurs Support Program for Reducing Loans Cost (Decisions of the Cabinet of Ministers № 28 as of 24.01.2020 and № 723 as of  July 14, 2021). 

These amendments entered into force on April 18, 2022.

Tuesday, 26 April 2022


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