Andrii Dykun, the UAC Chairman, took part in the third meeting of the parliamentary delegations of Ukraine, Lithuania and Poland, which recently took place in Warsaw within the Lublin Triangle. The meeting resulted in the signing of the Declaration, which contains a number of important initiatives and appeals to the EU members and institutions.
The main provisions of the Declaration include:
- Prohibition of imports of agricultural products from Russia and Belarus to the EU.
- Consideration of the possibility of prohibition of the transit of agricultural products from Russia and Belarus through the EU.
- Restricting access of Russian agricultural producers to advanced world technologies and equipment.
- Introduce an intervention system to purchase grain surpluses in times of unfavorable market prices. This will help stabilize grain prices and ensure farmers' incomes.
- Restrictions on potentially unfair trade practices, including falsification of country of origin information.
- Assist Ukraine in restoring its market position outside of Europe by re-establishing sales channels.
- Condemn Russia for exporting illegally appropriated grain from the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine.
It is particularly important to include in the Declaration a clause restricting access of Russian agricultural producers to advanced technologies and equipment. This proposal was made by the Chairman of the UAC at previous meetings, and now it has become a part of the common position. Such a prohibition will significantly complicate the development of the agricultural sector for Russia.
The Committee on Agricultural and Rural Development of the Sejm of the Republic of Poland will send a copy of the Declaration to the EU institutions. This will facilitate further dialog and implementation of these points.
This meeting emphasizes the importance of cooperation between the countries of the Lublin Triangle and their joint contribution to the protection of agricultural markets from Russian aggression.