The UAC supports the educational initiative “The Last Capitalist” and the CASE Ukraine advisory senter (the “Price of the State” project), which initiated a review of the National Revenue Strategy for 2024-2030, developed by the Ministry of Finance without the participation of the public and business.

According to the document, the single tax of the 4th group for farmers will be canceled in Ukraine.

“For agricultural producers (legal entities), the single tax rates will be revised upwards within three years to the amount equivalent to the total value of the Corporate profit tax. The purpose of this measure is to encourage legal entities to be gradually relocated to the general taxation system over three years, taking into account the financial condition of each individual enterprise and its business needs. After the end of the transition period, legal entities will be prohibited from using the simplified taxation system,” is mentioned in the National Strategy.

In view of the above, a petition has been posted on the government's website. Please support small and medium-sized agribusinesses and cast your vote for fair taxation by signing the petition to amend the National Revenue Strategy. For more information and a link to the petition, please click here.

Monday, 13 May 2024


Фіксація збитків англ
