Prices for all types of milk grades unchanged: extra — UAH 12.15/kg, higher — UAH 11.7/kg, the first — UAH 11.08/kg, weighted average — UAH 11.64/kg.

This was reported by Volodymyr Andriyets, an analyst at the Association of Milk Producers.

Range of price fluctuations for medium and large batches of extra grade milk by region:

  • north and center — UAH 11.7−12.45/kg
  • south — 11.7−12.45
  • east — 11.6−12.4 UAH/kg
  • west ― 11.6−12.35 UAH/kg

The beginning of the milk season is not yet able to shift raw material prices in the direction of the seasonal downward trend, as it was in previous years. This situation does not surprise anyone, it is quite predictable and has good reason — the shortage of raw materials, which is further supported by more expensive than ever, components of rations.

The initiative to intensify price movements usually belongs to large processing companies, but no one has yet dared to take the first step due to the lack of milk on the market. There are rumors that mid-March will be the beginning of the seasonal decline in prices, although there are already doubts about this with an alternative vision of the start of the season in late March.

It is likely that this year we will see a slightly different picture of the price curve, which will not have a significant «slump» in prices in the spring and summer, as raw materials, obviously, this season will not be enough for everyone, and thus it will support prices. An option would be to close or shut down processors, which would partially defuse the shortage.

Source -

Thursday, 4 March 2021


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