The third decade of September began with a weakening of purchase prices for slaughter pigs. According to the results of the weekly monitoring of live weight pork prices, conducted by the analysts of the Association of Ukrainian Pig Breeders, the average market price "sank" by 1.9%, closing at 44.65 UAH/kg.

Last Friday the quotations for live slaughter pigs were revised downwards: suppliers of commercial stock corrected the selling price by 0.5-1.5 UAH/kg.

Although processors reported a gradual weakening of sales with the autumn coming, the weather conditions in September contribute to delaying the end of the picnic season. While the pork supply is recovering seasonally, it is comparable to the existing demand, so the market is not yet experiencing any significant imbalance.

Weekly dynamics of farm-gate prices for live pigs of the 1st category, 2019-2020

Source - AUPB

Thursday, 24 September 2020


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