Any citizen and enterprise has the right to submit a formal request in accordance with the Law of Ukraine "On Access to Public Information".
A request for information is a person's request to the information manager to provide the public information that is in his possession.
The claimant has the right to contact the information manager with a request for information, regardless of whether this information is personally related to him or her, without explaining the reason for the request.
The request for information may be individual or collective. Requests can be submitted in oral, written or other form (by mail, fax, telephone, e-mail).
Written request is provided in an arbitrary form.
The request for information should include:
1) the name (name) of the requestor, postal address or e-mail address, as well as the number of the means of communication, if any;
2) a general description of the information or the type, title, details or contents of the document in respect of which the request is made, if known to the requesting party;
3) signature and date, provided that the request is submitted in writing.
The information manager must respond to a request for information no later than five working days from the date of receipt of the request.
Information available on request free of charge.
If the satisfaction of the information request involves the production of copies of documents in excess of 10 pages, the requestor is required to reimburse the actual costs of copying and printing. "
Tuesday, 7 August 2018