Sugar producers lack railway wagons

According to sugar companies and individual sugar factories, manufacturers lack gondola and covered cars used for the transportation of limestone and sugar.

Such a situation could be negatively reflected in the beginning of the production season, because sugar factories are enterprises with a continuous production cycle.

Today, more than half of the sugar factories complain of logistical difficulties. The most threatening situation has occurred at the stations: Radekhiv, Khorostkiv, Kozova, Zbarazh, Shmanʹkivchyky, Hnidava, Maksymivka of the Lʹviv railway; Вапнярка of the Odessa railway; Huty and Lanna of the Pivdenna Railway, Tetiyiv, Yahotyn, Skvyra of the Pivdenno-Zakhidna Railway and others.

The farms of Ukraine carry out regular phytosanitary supervision of sugar beet crops.

The sowing of sugar beetles of the Lisostep and Polissya continues to be sick with cercosporosis, which affects 2-18, max. to 30% of plants (Kiev, Ternopil region).

2-16% of plants showed powdery mildew, alternaria, ramulyariosis, fomos, somewhere crops populate and damage beet leafy aphids, mowing the fly, bugs.

Monday, 27 August 2018


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