Authorities, agribusiness representatives and experts discussed the most important issues of legislative regulation of the reclamation systems functioning during a meeting of the Verkhovna Rada Committee on Agrarian and Land Policy, which took place in the Odessa Regional State Administration.
Mykhailo Sokolov (the Deputy Chairman of the Association), Serhii Rybalko (the Chairman of the AE “Adelaida”) and Volodymyr Khvostov (the Chairman of the Water Users’ Organization) were also present.
During the event, the participants discussed in details the bill "On the Water Users’ Organization and Stimulation of Hydrotechnical Land Reclamation" which was adopted in the first reading, separately touched on the amendments that had to be submitted before the second reading.
"The adoption of the draft law on WUOs in the first reading is a victory for farmers. The UAC participants thank lawmakers for their support. We hope that all existing provisions will be preserved in the bill by the second reading. We are ready to work on amendments together with the deputies of the Agrarian Committee. Today we have seen that farmers were ready to invest in reclamation systems. The pumping stations’ transfer to them is an important step for the state. Farmers will be able to invest, restore them and develop land reclamation," Sokolov said.
Volodymyr Khvostov and Serhii Rybalko presented the experience of agrarians from Kherson region on restoration of irrigation.
"The state, farmers and landowners will benefit because of an irrigation reform. The advantage for the state is the removal of the burden from the budget, because the maintenance of one pumping station is about UAH1 million per year; transformation of an old facility into a modern energy-efficient complex with the possibility to increase hectares of irrigation; stable yields, filling budgets of all levels. For farmers, irrigation reform is an opportunity to independently invest and implement new reconstruction projects; reduce the cost per cubic meter per kW of a market price, ASCAE’s (automated system of control and accounting of energy resources) night watering, uninterrupted water supply (new equipment), fixing of the underground system, minimization of water losses; fair tariff is guaranteed. Individual farmers at the expense of large farms will receive a reliable water supply in the irrigation area. And landowners will receive an increase in the cost of land, because the cost of irrigated land is 3 times more than not irrigated one, etc.," Volodymyr Khvostov explained.
The participants of the event were also acquainted with 12 pilot projects on the reconstruction and modernization of reclamation systems of Odesa region, the cost of water for irrigation and further operation of the Danube-Dniester irrigation system.
Monday, 13 September 2021