At least two Water Users’ Organizations (WUOs) will be established in Kherson region as a part of a pilot project implemented by the UAC and the USAID’s Agricultural growing Rural Opportunities Activity in Ukraine - AGRO. It is planned to unite in WUOs at least 40 farms that cultivate at least 10,000 hectares of land. This has been discussed today at the press conference which has been held in the village Chulakivka (Kherson region).
Water Users’ Organizations are non-profit organizations, the creation of which is established by the bill 5202-d "On Water Users' Organizations and Stimulation of Hydrotechnical Land Reclamation". They have to take on their balance the objects of the reclamation system of the lowest level, which are in the state or communal property or are ownerless, in particular, pumping stations. Organizations will be responsible for their maintenance and modernization. Thus, agricultural producers, who use irrigation, receive a legislative instrument that allows them to invest irrigation or bring in an investment independently. The bill is currently being considered by the Parliament in the first reading.
Presenting the pilot project, the UAC’s consultant in the project "Development and implementation of a pilot project for the establishment of WUOs in the Kherson region" Roman Fedorchenko presented a milestone of the program for its development and implementation.
"This pilot project is very practical one, because it will show how to organize WUOs properly within the law. Kherson region was chosen as the pilot region, as there is the best irrigation system and the most motivated communities and farmers, who are ready to develop it. We will develop a model of a viable WUOs, make documents for its functioning, accompany it throughout the process of formation of the organization. We will describe each stage, for example, from the constituent assembly to the registration of WUO. After the registration of the pilot WUO, our support will not end, the experts' support will continue in future," Roman Fedorchenko mentioned.
Irrigation reform is a continuation of a land reform, which is equally important. This statement was emphasized by Serhii Kubakh, Land Reform Team Lead on USAID’s Agricultural Growing Rural Opportunities Activity in Ukraine - AGRO. The result of the reclamation sector reform should be an increase of the irrigated areas productivity, increase of agricultural products and increase of investment and employment.
"This requires, first of all, the appropriate law. The bill 5202-d on Water Users’ Organizations is basic and the most significant. It envisages the creation of WUOs and the fact that WUO’s participants will become owners of irrigation systems and be able to bring in an investment and manage reclamation systems. The second important point provided for in the bill is that reclamation systems should become objects of real estate, the ownership of which should be registered and confirmed by the state. Our joint pilot project on the establishment of WUOs is just an opportunity to test the functions and provisions that are set out in the bill 5202-d,” Serhii Kubah said.
The pilot project is designed for 2 years - until July 2023. Until the end of 2021, work on the development of operational and legislative models of WUOs, identification of potential project participants through meetings with water users, preliminary analysis of technical systems is envisaged. During 2022-2023, it is planned to create WUOs, regulatory documents for organizations, terms of reference for modernization of irrigation infrastructure and expanded information about the work throughout the project implementation.
Contact person for those, who want to join WUO:
Olha Chuveieva, Director of Regional Development of the UAC. Tel. +380674721244. E-mail - info@uacouncil.org
Friday, 27 August 2021