Processors have already begun to become more price-compliant, because the euro-meters are resuming, and demand for the global market is active.

In addition, according to unofficial data, soon the market will miss milk, despite its seasonal peak.

Some of the processors have received a contract for kosher milk, and large quantities of raw materials will be required for its implementation.

Already after the first monitoring of the month, these desires became apparent.

The price for the extra-genotype rose by 4 kopecks in comparison with the end of May and already made 8.84 UAH / kg.

Price support is also provided by world market messengers, which are quite positive, despite the fact that there is still a surplus of milk protein.

Such a development of events in the market, it is increasingly said that Ukraine deviated from the traditional concepts of seasonality and is directly dependent on world trends.

Never before, the price of milk did not fall in winter and rose in June.

The market becomes integrated into the "world plane".

According to the results of five months, the total production shaft amounted to 3 million 903.2 thousand tons, which is 1.3% less than the corresponding period of last year.

Monday, 9 July 2018


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