The latest monitoring confirms the complete silence in the market, which has lasted for almost two months ― according to the analytical department of the Association of Milk Producers.
Prices for all grades of milk remain unchanged: extra grade is sold at UAH 12.15/kg, higher ― UAH 11.7/kg, the first ― UAH 11.08/kg, weighted average price is UAH 11.64/kg. The range of price fluctuations for medium and large batches of extra grade milk by regions: north and center ― UAH 11.7−12.45/kg; south ― 11.7−12.45; east ― 11.6−12.4 UAH/kg; west ―11.6−12.35 UAH/kg.
It is currently expected that the downward movement of prices is not possible until the middle of March, when more milk will appear on the market.
Source - Analytical Department of MilkUA.info
Tuesday, 2 March 2021