Average milk prices still remain stable though it is April now.

This was reported by the Analytical department of the Association of Milk Producers.

In terms of milk grades, it looks like this:

  • extra ― UAH 10.21 /kg,
  • higher ― UAH 9.81/kg,
  • first ― UAH 9.26/kg,
  • weighted average of three grades ― UAH 9.76/kg. (excluding VAT).

Average market range of price fluctuations for medium and large batches of extra grade milk by region: north and center ― UAH 9.80−10.5/kg; south ― 9.80−10.5; east ― 9.75−10.5 UAH/ kg; west ― UAH 9.70−10.45/kg.

Deficiency of raw milk in this period eliminates seasonal fluctuations. The culling rate of cows in private households has reached a point that will not allow to provide the required volume of milk. This gives every reason to say that there will not be a big milk season as such this year, and milk processors unofficially agree with the fact.

Wednesday, 14 April 2021


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