Reducing the supply of milk for processing due to seasonality and dry weather has affected the growth of milk purchasing prices.

In addition, an increase in the requirements for the quality parameters of milk entering the processing affects the increase in the gap between the price of milk of extra grade and others.

The main increase in price took place in the second half of August. The extra grade then went up by 20 kopecks. - up to 9.29 UAH/kg (including VAT). The average price for milk of this grade in August was 9.19 UAH/kg, which is 21 kopecks higher than July prices.

The higher grade in August was 8.51 UAH/kg, which is 5 kopecks higher than July prices. The first grade was bought at 7.98 UAH/kg, which is 2 kopecks lower than July price.

Based on the trends currently taking place in the market in September, one should expect the continuation of the ascending price trend. Growth will be about 10-15 kopecks for extra milk of the variety. This will serve as a "thaw" in the world dairy market and further decrease in the productivity of cows and the volume of milk revenues for processing.

The export of dairy products in August showed a slight increase compared to July. The "thaw" of export prices served this. Total exports amounted to 23.4 million dollars, which is by 2.04% more than in July, but by almost 23% less than in August last year.

Exports of milk and cream in August amounted to 2 thousand tons (+ 37.2%) for a total value of $ 1.4 million (+ 12.7%).

Thursday, 13 September 2018


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