Purchase prices for milk increased by 4% over the month, but remain lower than last year prices.

The prolonged subsidence of export prices for dairy products in the world has led to a reduction in export earnings from dairy products. However, the volume of shipments for 8 months of this year was 11.8% higher than last year and amounted to 583.5 thousand tons.

In addition, the price support was a shortage of milk on the market and a devaluation - as a result, the prices for milk of major grades grew within 4%.

Thus, in October, the extra grade cost 9.94 UAH / kg, including VAT, which is 4.19% higher than the prices in September. The range of prices ranged from 9.30 to 10.40 USD.

Higher grade per month grew by 3,43% and cost an average of 9.05 UAH. The maximum value of the price was within 9.60, and the minimum - 8.20 UAH.

The first grade went up the most - + 4.3% - to 8.49 UAH / kg. The price ranged from 8.60 to 9.50 UAH.

As we see, the gap between the price of different types begins to decline. This is due to the fact that the prices for extra grade are very close to the limit that can be paid by processors.

However, if compared with the prices of last year, they show a negative dynamics: the extra grade price fell by 2.83%, the highest - by 0.11%, and the first - by 2.41%.

In the short term, it is to be expected that prices will continue to grow at the background of the deepening of the negative dynamics of milk production and the growth of production costs (rising energy prices).

Wednesday, 31 October 2018


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