In November, the purchase prices of raw milk in Ukraine continue to grow

The price dynamics, as predicted, is due not to the situation on foreign markets, but to the struggle of processors for high-quality milk from large farms, because of which it was necessary to review protocols for virtually all agricultural enterprises, despite the volume and quality of raw materials.

At the same time, seasonal production did not affect the price of milk from households. The value of such raw materials in November did not change significantly.

According to the State Statistics Service in Ukraine, for 10 months, 8.7 million tons of milk were produced, which is by 2.1% less than the same period last year. The negative trend in the population category is the main driver of the overall decline. However, the dynamics of agricultural enterprises is not as positive as it was at the beginning of the year.

In January-October, Ukraine produced 2.3 million tons of farm raw materials (27% of the total), which is already 0.1% less than 2017. If you compare October this year with October 2017, the situation is even more revealing: there was a decrease of 2.3%.

The number of cows in the country continues to decline. As of November 1, there were counted 2.0 million heads in Ukraine, which is 3.4% less than last year (-1.2% in agricultural enterprises).

At the beginning of the month, purchasing prices for farm milk increased by about 15-20 kopecks as compared to the end of October, the range of prices in this category expanded even more and equals one and a half hryvnia: 8,75-9,25 UAH / kg, and this, not counting exceptions above and below these extreme values.

At the same time, the cost of household raw materials has practically remained unchanged, and the average for Ukraine is about 5 UAH/kg.

Friday, 30 November 2018


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