Since the beginning of the full-scale invasion, the challenges for agribusiness have increased. Starting January 1, 2024, the problems will be added, as the limits on the purchase of agricultural land will be increased.

What can be improved to make farmers feel the support of the state? Denys Marchuk, Deputy Chairman of the UAC, commented on the air of a telethon:

"Starting January 1, 2024, according to the current legislation, the limits for the purchase of land will be increased - up to 10,000 hectares to one enterprise. This is a cause for concern. In wartime, commodity producers are often “on the front line”, and the limits are multiplied by 100 times - this is unfair and unacceptable. It would be worthwhile to stop increasing the limits until the end of the war and for some time afterwards, so that everyone has equal conditions. The UAC has registered a petition on the website of the President of Ukraine, where farmers ask to postpone the increase in the maximum area of agricultural land in one hand to 10,000 hectares. We ask the authorities to hear Ukrainian agribusiness in this context."

Denys Marchuk also emphasized the need for farmers to have access to preferential lending.

"The 5-7-9 program allows farmers to be on the market. But there is a question - for this season we asked to increase the limit from UAH 90 million to UAH 130-140 million. This will significantly support commodity producers, as many of them have already exhausted their limits and cannot use soft loans."

Monday, 6 November 2023


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