Farmers have the right to receive free of charge land plots in state and communal ownership in the amount of a land parcel (share), and only once. If all the members have already received the site, then you need to enter another one.

Farms' members are transferred free of charge to private property from land previously given to them for use in the amount of a land parcel (share) of a member of an agricultural enterprise located on the territory of the relevant council. However, often in the State Geocadaster, they refuse to divide the farmer's land from the members on the grounds that the land was not given to them personally, but given to the founder of the farm.

In any case, if the applicant is ready to fight and sue the State Geocadaster, then the following documents must be submitted:

1. A petition to the Regional State Geocadaster (if the site is outside the settlement). The application shall indicate: the intended purpose of the land plot and its approximate size. Sample application in the attachment;

2. The application shall be accompanied by graphic materials indicating the desired location of the land, the consent of the land user (in case of seizure of the land plot in use by other persons, therefore the consent of the founder of the farm to which this site was given for use) and documents confirming work experience in agriculture or the availability of education acquired in an agrarian educational institution (in the case of provision of a land plot for farming).

Tuesday, 11 September 2018


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