"Haidamaky" is a protection that stays with the farmer under any circumstances! They protect the property, land and agricultural producers’ tranquility on a daily basis. And although secret data always remains secret one, this year in the activities of the security company there are many things that are worth reminding.

So, in 2021 "Haidamaky":

  • defended 98 farms;
  • prevented 54 and repulsed 28 raider attacks;
  • preserved almost 30,000 hectares of land bank.

“Moreover, “Haidamaky” has expanded as it wants to make the agricultural enterprises’ lives safer all over Ukraine. Yes, the goal is large-scale, but they began to implement it efficiently. Separate subdivisions of “Haidamaky” were established in Uman, Kropyvnytskyi and Lutsk.

In addition, a new service "Bodyguard" was launched. From now on, protection is provided not only to private and commercial entities, but also to people. Everyone will be able to take care of their own safety regardless of location and get help in minutes.

A force structure is constantly undergoing practical and theoretical training. This year, special forces improved their skills in paramedics, conflictology and passed physical training quarterly exam.

Thus, in 2021, “Haidamaky” became even more experienced, stronger and more resilient.

Monday, 27 December 2021


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