Denys Marchuk, Deputy Chairman of the Ukrainian Agri Council, commented the start of the autumn sowing campaign of winter crops in his interview on the We-Ukraine TV channel.

“As of today, more than 484,000 hectares of winter crops have been sown in Ukraine, and that’s only the beginning, as last year the area under winter crops amounted to 6 million hectares. Due to the heat and drought in July and August, which negatively affected late crops such as sunflower, soybeans and corn, farmers can increase the area under winter wheat, which is more resistant to drought,” said Denys Marchuk.

Wheat prices in Ukraine will be higher than last year.

“Decreased harvest of food wheat in many countries due to drought leads to higher grain prices. The prices are already higher than last year and show the profitability of wheat production in Ukraine,” added the Deputy Chairman of the UAC.

According to him, this season farmers are facing a number of challenges, including the war, financial difficulties, unfavorable weather conditions and the need to clear the fields of mines.

Thursday, 5 September 2024


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