Agrarians were taught how to protect their business - the experience of OK "Haydamaky".
OK "Haydamaky" held a seminar on Economic Security in the AIC, which was attended by more than 40 participants from different parts of Ukraine. Heads of farms, heads of security services and legal departments have come to Uman to gain new knowledge that will significantly improve the level of security on farms.
Ruslan Dashitsky, head of the legal department of OK “Haydamaky”, spoke about the legal regulation of security services at the enterprise. In specific examples, he explained how to properly monitor and analyze potential counterparties so as not to undermine the economic and legal security of the enterprise. “All material and financial values, intellectual know-how embedded in the workflow, inside information and staff must be protected at the enterprise. If at least one link is publicly accessible to those who are not related to the economy, then information leaks out, and as a consequence, trouble is just around the corner. I advise each landowner to use the "Business Secrets and Confidential Information Regulations". In general, for all to function as a whole, labor discipline must be at the highest level. It is regulated by the Labor Code of Ukraine, ”he emphasized.
Ruslan Dashitsky, head of the legal department of OK "Haydamaky".
Maksym Borovyk said in detail about one of the most popular online verification services for companies - the YouControl system. He shared knowledge of how YouControl can easily and quickly inspect any business, review its share capital, review business litigation, analyze tenders and contractors, see a quick analysis of its activities over the past year. "This online service has many additional features, can run in a test (free) mode and covers information not only about individuals, but also about legal entities," - said a representative of agrarian service Maksym Borovyk.
Maksym Borovyk, an expert on anti-corruption activities.
Dmytro Isayev, director of Cargo Consult LLC, told the seminar participants about the peculiarities of internal investigations. Each enterprise should have a Regulation on internal investigations, which clearly spells out the terms, the grounds for the investigations, the composition of the commission, and the liability of employees for the violations committed. “According to the results of the investigation, the members of the commission make an Act, which states: the facts and the essence of the accusation; the position, personal data of the employee, hours of work at the enterprise and the position of the person in respect of whom the investigation was conducted, types of incentives and penalties. In case of detecting signs of corruption or committing criminal offenses, the commission makes a proposal to submit an act of internal official investigation to law enforcement agencies, ”Dmytro Isayev said.
"Nobody thinks that they can be a victim of a cyber criminal as long as they don’t become one," - said the candidate of Laws, representative of the Association of defenders of information Mykhailo Hutsalyuk. He noted that every 30 seconds in the world cyber-attacks are carried out, and the number of crimes using information technologies in Ukraine is increasing 1.5 times annually. The only law that regulates business relations in this field is the Law of Ukraine "On the Basic Principles of Cyber Security in Ukraine" of 05.10.2017. analyze the risks to the enterprise and implement a comprehensive information security system.
If your business has experienced an attempt at cyberattacks, Mykhailo Hutsalyuk emphasized, you should contact the Specialized Structural Division of the State Cyber Defense Center of Ukraine, or visit their website cert.gov.ua/ and report a violation.
Volodymyr Rovinskiy, an electronic systems engineer, widely introduced innovative business protection systems. He presented the latest technology - the most effective security system for farmers - G-MAK. This device responds to noise fluctuations, steps, light, and other factors, resulting in instantaneous siren sipping, tear gas sputtering, the room is filled with smoke, and the owner and head of the security service are immediately notified of penetration by outsiders .
Throughout the seminar, participants had the opportunity to receive qualified answers to questions they encountered.
Press service of OK "Haydamaky"
Thursday, 5 December 2019