Ukraine is facing an urgent need to reform its reclamation system, which is key to the development of the agricultural sector in the southern regions. However, the process of modernizing water reclamation systems faces a number of challenges, including corruption threats at the local level.

Farmers who have been actively involved in the reform mention difficulties in transferring irrigation systems to Water Users’ Organizations (WUOs). Despite the government's decision, this process is being blocked at the level of government agencies, including the Ministry of Ecology and the State Water Agency.

“The greatest corruption risks arise where the water management system is not reformed. The transfer of systems to WUOs without local approvals could be an important step in the fight against corruption, but this process is delayed,” said Serhii Rybalko, the UAC member, during the presentation of the results of the annual study ”Manifestations of Corruption in Land Relations.”

Currently, the land reclamation reform has been suspended, and farmers are concerned about its possible connection with corrupt interests or bureaucratic delays.

“We, the farmers, must pay attention to this and demand action from the government,” emphasized Rybalko.

Delaying the reform could have serious consequences for agriculture, especially in regions affected by drought.

“We have already lost two years during which we could have updated the systems and improved the use of water resources,” the farmer emphasized.

According to the farmer, the reform requires active government actions to eliminate corruption threats and ensure effective water management.

Two years ago, about 2.2 million hectares of land were under irrigation in Ukraine, but in 2023, water was supplied to only 120,000 hectares. The reason for the significant reduction in irrigated areas was not only the war, but also problems with public administration. A law passed by the Verkhovna Rada in 2022 introduced a new organizational form - WUOs that would transfer management of reclamation systems to farmers. This would allow farmers to control irrigation systems and invest in their development.

However, irrigation reform is delayed at the Cabinet of Ministers level. At the same time, the state continues to allocate UAH 5 billion for the maintenance of reclamation systems, but these funds are not enough for development. The outdated infrastructure built in the 60s-80s is 85% worn-out, which creates additional problems for farmers who are forced to repair and maintain the systems themselves.

The transfer of land reclamation management functions from the State Agency of Water Resources of Ukraine to the State Agency of Ukraine for the Development of Land Reclamation, Fisheries and Food Programs, which was supposed to be completed by July 23, 2021, is delayed. The property that was supposed to be transferred actually remains with the State Agency of Water Resources, which blocks further development of the reform and the transfer of systems to the management of the WUOs.

Tuesday, 22 October 2024


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