Agrarians in the occupied and liberated territories cannot carry out agricultural production, because according to the current legislation, such activity can be considered a crime. Therefore, the Ukrainian Agri Council appealed to the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyi and the Minister of Agrarian Policy Mykola Solskyi with a request to facilitate the adoption of draft laws No. 7646 and No. 7647 and its implementation by the Verkhovna Rada.

On August 8 2022, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine submitted to the Verkhovna Rada draft laws on amendments to the Law of Ukraine "On ensuring the rights and freedoms of citizens and the legal regime in the temporarily occupied territory of Ukraine" regarding the specifics of activities in the temporarily occupied territory and on amendments to the Criminal Code of Ukraine regarding the improvement of responsibility for collaboration (reg. No. 7646 and No. 7647).

These projects define the list of economic activities and events that can be carried out in the temporarily occupied territories, and which is not established as criminal offences. If at the same time nobody collaborate with the aggressor state.

"Agrarians in the Kherson region, who are forced to stay in the occupied territory, are waiting for the adoption of the mentioned bills. Being in such difficult conditions they continue to ensure the locals’ life, jobs, and, if possible, store property for carrying out economic activities. 

In addition, we, as a specialized public association, receive numerous appeals from other close to the combat zone regions, where the issue of insufficient regulation of conducting economic activity is no less acute," the appeal states.

In particular, there are unsolved issues, such as the necessity and the procedure for obtaining permits for moving through the territory, the transportation of property and products from enterprises.

Practically these issues are solved without any regulatory justification, often because of some official subjective opinions, which impact uncertainty, the impossibility of any planning, and also carries corruption risks.

The UAC asks to support the above-mentioned legislative initiatives and by all possible means to promote the adoption by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine and the implementation of draft laws No. 7646 and No. 7647.

Tuesday, 25 October 2022


Фіксація збитків англ
