How to attract investments to increase the area under irrigation?

What benefits do farmers get by uniting in Water Users Organizations (WUOs)?

How to set up such an organization and get ownership of the reclamation network facilities? 

On August 1, farmers will receive answers to these and other questions about the restoration of hydrotechnical reclamation during a webinar organized by the USAID Agriculture Growing Rural Opportunities Activity in Ukraine (AGRO).

Ukraine has 5.5 million hectares of reclaimed land, including 2.2 million hectares of irrigated land and 3.3 million hectares of drained one. Ukraine has great prospects for irrigation development. However, in 2023, only 133.6 thousand hectares were irrigated. At the same time, irrigation of every third hectare of this area was provided by Water Users Organizations - associations created by agricultural producers to restore and modernize irrigation.

Today, 43 Water Users Organizations have been established in Ukraine, and more than 120 agricultural producers are their members. The number of such organizations is growing rapidly.

Also, during the event, agricultural producers who have created WUOs will share their experience in restoring irrigation and self-management of the reclamation network.

Date and time: August 1, 2:00 PM

To participate, please register by 6:00 PM on July 31, 2024 at the following link:

Friday, 26 July 2024


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