Vice-chairman of the UAC Denis Marchuk and lawyer of the UAC on land issues Viktoria Kipriyanova met today with agricultural producers of the Zaporizhzhia region. During the meeting, participants discussed the prospects and conditions for the introduction of the land market, taxation — a minimum tax liability, a tax on 1 hectare and the withdrawal of capital, as well as a cooperation.

Agrarians have criticized the government's attempts to open the land market as quickly as possible without providing a regulatory framework. In their opinion, such a launch will be a repetition of history with the privatization of state enterprises in the 90s.

Victoria Kipriyanova told agrarians about changes in land legislation in 2019 and mistakes in concluding lease agreements.

We thank Sergiy Sharapov and Sergiy Levada (PE "Ukr-Lit-Agro") for organizing the meeting.

Tuesday, 26 February 2019


Фіксація збитків англ
